Glulam Beams in Vastseliina Ice Rink Project: Strength and Durability

Beams by Pinska OÜ
The construction of the ice rink in Vastseliina is one of those special projects where our company was able to make an important contribution. This sports facility represents not only the opportunity to play sports, but also the unity of the community and the creation of a strong foundation with the help of the glulam beams we supply.

We are very honored to be a part of this project and to see how our work contributes to the development of the community and the promotion of sports.
Our company is committed not only to delivering quality products, but also to creating a positive impact in the surrounding community. The construction of the Vastseliina ice rink is just one example of this commitment, where our glulam beams have helped build a strong foundation and structure for this important sports facility.
The choice of glulam beams allowed us not only to support the structural strength of the building, but also to contribute to environmentally friendly construction. Our wood materials are certified and sustainable, thereby supporting nature-friendly construction methods.
At the heart of the modern world of construction is the importance of sustainability and environmental friendliness. In this context, glulam has emerged as an important construction material, offering a versatile solution in terms of strength, durability and ecological friendliness. Glulam is important for the construction projects of the future, as it combines the advantages of traditional wood with modern technology and innovation, enabling the creation of diverse, efficient and environmentally sustainable structures. Its versatility and ability to support a greener construction industry make glulam an important component in the sustainable development of future construction projects.

Published by: Steven Jents